The Lone Star Curling Club is committed to collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information responsibly and to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of such personal information.

Personal information includes information that tells us specifically who you are, such as your address, telephone number and e‑mail address. However, publicly available information, such as a public directory listing of your name, address and telephone number is not considered personal information.

We have adopted the following privacy policy that guides how we collect, use and disclose personal information about our members and prospective members. Our intent is to balance our legitimate business interests in collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information against your reasonable expectations of privacy.

1. Definitions

In this policy:

"Business" means the business of operating the Lone Star Curling Club which includes the Web site;
"Membership" means a membership in the Lone Star Curling Club;
"we", "us", "our" and the "Club" refer to the Lone Star Curling Club Limited
"Web site" refers to the web site found at;

2. Collection of Personal Information
3. Use of Your Personal Information
4. Disclosure of Personal Information
5. Control of Your Password
6. Access, Review, Change and Destruction of Your Personal Information
7. Other Information Collectors
8. Protecting Your Privacy
9. Amendments to This Policy
10. Privacy Information Officer Access, Questions, or Concerns