New policy as of January 5, 2022
Masks are optional for all activities. Please respect anyone who wishes to mask or to maintain distance. Multiple person sweeping will be allowed, but teams or individuals can choose to limit themselves to one sweeper at a tiime.
Please inform the president at We will do everything we can to protect your identity. If you know how you contracted it, and the timing of it, please keep us informed. We only have minimal ability to contact trace for club members, but we would like to keep everyone as informed as possible.
COVID-19 Response Plan
Here is what the Lone Star Curling Club recommends for dealing with COVID-19 exposure. We are neither doctors, nor lawyers. We just want to protect our members as much as we can.
Guidelines for Handling Exposure or potential Exposure to the Virus
Here are the CDC’s Guidelines for Prevention of Communication of COVID-19
What do I do if I am experiencing symptoms of COVID-19?
- List of symptoms from the CDC
- If you are at The Pond, please go home. If you need assistance, please inform those you speak to about your concerns and they will find someone to help. Isolate yourself while you wait.
- Contact your health care provider and the club president at
- Take note of the areas you have been in the facility and inform the club so we can ensure proper cleaning.
What if I am diagnosed with COVID-19?
- Procedures from the CDC
- Inform the club president at They will begin any contract tracing to protect the club.
- Please make sure you have medical clearance before you return to LSCC functions.
What if someone I am living with is diagnosed with COVID-19?
- Isolate as though you were diagnosed, and get yourself tested.
- Inform the club president at They will begin any contract tracing to protect the club.
- Please make sure you have medical clearance before you return to LSCC functions.
What do I do if I am exposed to someone who is later diagnosed with COVID-19?
- Self-monitor for symptoms of the disease
- Take your temperature daily for 14 days.
- If you are not displaying symptoms, you are welcome at the club with the proper social distancing.