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Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ attempts to address common questions and concerns around the Lone Star Curling Club Code of Conduct. If you still have questions after reading it, please feel free to contact us at conduct@lonestarcurling.com.

For the most part, we don’t think it means large changes. We think that the text does a really good job of describing the way members of our club already conduct themselves. We expect that most people will simply continue to behave in the awesome way they have for years. 

However, having a formal Code of Conduct ensures that we all have the same expectations of each other, and helps introduce our values to new members. We do expect that members will abide by the spirit and words of the Code of Conduct when in spaces managed by LSCC. This Code has been adopted by LSCC, which means that by becoming a member, you recognize that it will be enforced within all spaces managed or organized by Lone Star Curling Club, and you agree to abide by it. 

In practice, this includes on-ice activities, broomstacking before and after curling, live-streams, bonspiels (both at LSCC and other clubs), off-ice social events organized by the club, LSCC mailing lists, LSCC Discord, and other electronic communication media.

Our intent is that anyone in the community can and should stand up for this Code and direct others to this document if they are unaware of it. If that doesn’t work, or if you need more help, you can contact conduct@lonestarcurling.com. For more details, please see our Reporting Guidelines above.

Not everyone knows where to draw the line on what is and is not acceptable. And many people may not be aware of how the things they say and do impact others. 

However, even if everyone were kind, compassionate, and familiar with codes of conduct, it would still be incumbent upon our club to publish our own. Maintaining a Code of Conduct forces us to consider and articulate what kind of community we want to be, and serves as a constant reminder to put our best foot forward. But most importantly, it serves as a signpost to people looking to join our community that we feel these values are important. 

You do – in your spaces. If you’d like to hang out in our spaces (as clarified above), we have some simple guidelines to follow. If you want to, for example, form a group where curling and/or LSCC business are discussed using language inappropriate for general 

channels, then nobody’s stopping you. We respect your right to establish whatever codes of conduct you want in the spaces that belong to you. Please honor this Code of Conduct in our spaces.  

A good rule of thumb to remember is that you always have the right to say whatever you want, but it also comes with the responsibility of those words, including having someone file a complaint against you. Following the LSCC Code of Conduct can help you to navigate this.

This is a tricky gray area, and we ask you to err on the side of caution when there are any doubts. Some good rules of thumb: 

  • If there is anyone present in your group that you would not likely spend time with outside of an LSCC context, assume that this Code of Conduct applies.
  • Remember that bar staff and other patrons likely know that you are a member of LSCC, even when the rest of the Club isn’t around. Be mindful that you represent the Club to the general public in these situations.


Curling is a sport known for its openness and inclusiveness to people of all abilities and skill levels. At Lone Star Curling Club (LSCC), we are eager to grow the sport in central Texas and introduce others not just to the amazing sport, but also to the other elements that makes this sport so wonderful: the people who participate.

Our club is made up of people with a wide variety of backgrounds, beliefs, and communication styles. As we continue to grow, we want to maintain an open environment where every athlete, regardless of their background, feels welcome and respected on and off the ice.

This Code of Conduct is enforced within all spaces managed or organized by Lone Star Curling Club. This includes, and is not limited to, on-ice activities, broomstacking before and after curling, live-streams, bonspiels (both at LSCC and other clubs), off-ice social events organized by the club, LSCC mailing lists, LSCC Discord, and other electronic communication media. This Code of Conduct also covers events in which you are officially representing LSCC, such as national competitive events where teams are organized by the curling club. 

If you believe someone is violating the Code of Conduct, we ask that you report it by emailing conduct@lonestarcurling.com. For more details, please see our Reporting Guidelines below. 

Purpose of the Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is here to help guide our members on how their words or actions can impact others, to help resolve potential conflicts, and ultimately to avoid conflicts wherever possible.

This is not an exhaustive list of things that you cannot do. Rather, take it in the spirit in which it is intended: a guide to make it easier to ensure that our club’s activities remain welcoming to everyone and help all of us become more self-aware of how our actions impact those around us. 

The Spirit of Curling, as expressed by the World Curling Federation (WCF) and reprinted below, is intended to guide our on-ice conduct with respect to in-game curling behavior. The LSCC Code of Conduct is intended as a complementary guide to our communication with other participants, both on and off the ice. 

The Spirit of Curling (from the World Curling Federation) 

Curling is a game of skill and of tradition. A shot well-executed is a delight to see, and it is also a fine thing to observe the time-honoured traditions of curling being applied in the true spirit of the game. Curlers play to win, but never to humble their opponents. A true curler never attempts to distract opponents, nor to prevent them from playing their best, and would prefer to lose rather than to win unfairly.

Curlers never knowingly break a rule of the game, nor disrespect any of its traditions. Should they become aware that this has been done inadvertently, they will be the first to divulge the breach. While the main object of the game of curling is to determine the relative skill of the players, the spirit of curling demands good sportsmanship, kindly feeling and honorable conduct. 

This spirit should influence both the interpretation and the application of the rules of the game and also the conduct of all participants on and off the ice. 

Core Values 

Along with the Spirit of Curling, our Club has core values that guide our behavior both on and off the ice. These principles are grounded in our love for the game and our respect for one another, and are intended to be guideposts to help you find your way towards positive and inclusive interactions with everyone in LSCC spaces. 

Be Respectful 

Respect is a fundamental value of our club. Not all of us will agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration or competitive anger now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration or competitive feeling to turn into a personal attack. 

It’s important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened does not help grow the sport we all love. Members of Lone Star Curling Club should be respectful when dealing with other members and with non-member participants at LSCC activities. 

Be Inclusive 

We strive to be a community that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to, members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, color, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.

Be Careful to Create a Safe Environment

Playing a sport on ice comes with inherent safety risks that we must all be conscious of while curling.  It is important that we are aware of our surroundings to create as safe of an environment as possible for ourselves and other members.  We cannot allow our emotions or outside influences (such as excessive alcohol consumption or drug use) to cause us to act in a way that creates an unsafe environment. 

Be Careful in the Words that You Choose 

We expect a level of conduct and discourse at LSCC events that is essentially professional in nature. If you wouldn’t say it to a colleague at work, don’t say it to a fellow club member at an LSCC event. 

We understand that you will often be broomstacking among friends and fellow curlers after league or at bonspiels, and that you may not have an expectation of professionalism among some of those people. But please remember that other members of the club, or the general public, may be within earshot and that you may not truly be as close with those around you as you think you are, particularly if alcohol is involved. Please be mindful of your surroundings and your conduct in these circumstances, and err on the side of caution when there are any doubts. You are representing LSCC, as well as yourself, in these situations. 

Be Kind to Others 

Do not insult or put down other participants. Harassment and other exclusionary behavior are not acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Violent threats or language directed against another person. 
  • Discriminatory jokes and language. 
  • Unwelcome sexual attention (i.e. comments, touching, etc.) towards others. 
  • Conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others, or to suffer substantial emotional distress. 
  • Sharing sexually explicit or violent material. 
  • Sharing (or threatening to share) other people’s personal information.
  • Personal insults, especially those using racist or sexist terms. 
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior. 
  • Repeated harassment of others. If someone asks you to stop, then stop. 

Be Friendly and Patient 

We understand that everyone has different levels of experience and skill on the ice. We all have areas of our game with room for improvement. We want to be a curling club where people can not only compete, but also feel comfortable asking questions and learning along the way.

When helping another member grow as a curler, either in their play or their on-ice etiquette, do so with patience and politeness. Remember that we were all new to the sport at one point. 

If you see someone who you think needs help with some aspect of their curling skill development, always ask first before offering your advice. Remember that not everyone is always looking for feedback, no matter how well-intentioned. 

When someone violates the generally accepted etiquette of the game, communicate your concern as politely as possible. If the issue is not urgent, consider discussing the matter after the match or with the player’s skip instead of addressing the player directly. 

When We Disagree, Try to Understand Why 

Disagreements, both social and competitive, happen all the time. It is important that we resolve disagreements and differing views constructively. Remember that we’re all different. There is strength in having a varied community with people from a wide range of backgrounds. 

Different people have different perspectives. Being unable to understand why someone holds a viewpoint doesn’t mean that they’re wrong, and blaming each other doesn’t get us anywhere. Instead, focus on helping to resolve issues and learning from mistakes. 

Enforcement Manual 

Code of Conduct Committee 

The Code of Conduct Committee (“the Committee”) deals with violations of the LSCC Code of Conduct. The LSCC Board of Directors will establish this Committee, composed of at least three members. One member will be designated Chair of the Committee and will be responsible for all reports back to the Board of Directors. 

Committee Members: 

  • Chair: Ryan Maas
  • Member: [Insert Name Here]
  • Member: [Insert Name Here]

You can contact these people collectively at conduct@lonestarcurling.com. For more details, please see the Reporting Guidelines below.

LSCC members will be appointed to the Code of Conduct Committee for fixed terms of one year, from September 1 to August 31. Members of the Committee are eligible for immediate reappointment to the Committee at the end of their term. The Board of Directors will review the membership of the Committee annually. 

It is LSCC policy that all Code of Conduct Committee Members must be SafeSport Trained via the U.S. Center for SafeSport. 

Reporting Guidelines 

If you believe someone is violating the Code of Conduct, we ask that you report it by emailing conduct@lonestarcurling.com. All reports will be kept confidential. Only members of the Code of Conduct Committee (listed below) will receive the reports. If the committee needs to share information with the LSCC Board of Directors, the reporter's identity will not be divulged before the reporter has agreed to do so. 

(NB The above policy is superseded by USA Curling’s SafeSport policies and procedures, which LSCC has adopted a version of, for incidents involving individuals under the age of 18. The Code of Conduct Committee has a duty to report these SafeSport violations involving minors to the Board of Directors, who in turn have a duty to report to USA Curling. More information can be found in the USA Curling SafeSport Handbook

If the act is ongoing, the Code of Conduct Committee will take immediate measures to stop it if possible, and to gather the information described below. 

In your report please include (email or fill out this form): 

  • Your contact info (so we can get in touch with you if we need to follow up).
  • Names of any individuals involved. If there were other witnesses besides you, please try to include them as well. 
  • When and where the incident occurred. Please be as specific as possible. 
  • Your account of what occurred. If there is a publicly available record (e.g. a private message or email) please include that. Screenshots can be useful in case something is edited or deleted before action is taken. 
  • Any extra context you believe existed for the incident. 
  • If you believe this incident is ongoing. 
  • Any other information you believe we should have. 

What Happens After You File a Report? 

Reports will receive urgent and immediate attention from the Code of Conduct Committee. Please refer to the Enforcement Manual below for complete information on how reports will be processed.

How the Committee Will Respond to Reports 

When a report is sent to the Committee, they will reply to the report to confirm receipt within 48 hours. 

If the incident reported involves an individual under the age of 18 and may be a violation of the policies set forth in the USA Curling SafeSport Handbook, the matter will be referred immediately to both SafeSport/USA Curling and the LSCC Board of Directors. Matters that rise to a level of criminal acts will be referred to law enforcement as appropriate. 

See the Reporting Guidelines above for details of what reports should contain. If a report doesn’t contain enough information, the Committee will strive to obtain all relevant details before acting. The Committee is empowered to contact any individuals involved to get a more complete account of events. 

The Committee will then review the incident and determine, to the best of their ability: 

  • What happened 
  • Whether this event constitutes a Code of Conduct violation 
  • Who, if anyone, was involved in the violation 
  • Whether this is an ongoing situation

This information will be collected in writing, and whenever possible the Committee’s deliberations will be recorded and retained. Policies for record retention and handoff will be established by the first Code of Conduct committee. 

The Committee should aim to have a resolution agreed very rapidly; if not agreed within a week, it will inform the parties of the planned date. 


The Committee and the LSCC board of directors reserves the right to investigate any reported incidents and take appropriate action as necessary to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all.  The Committee must agree on a resolution by consensus. If the Committee cannot reach consensus, the Committee will turn the matter over to the Board of Directors for resolution. 

Responses will be determined by the Committee on the basis of the information gathered and of the potential consequences. Actions that the Committee may take without consulting the Board of Directors are: 

  • Taking no further action
  • Issuing a reprimand (private or public)
  • Asking for an apology (private or public)

If the Committee decides that the level of severity is worthy of escalation to the full Board, then the Committee shall be allowed to use temporary, reasonable measures to protect the club and its members, provided that any such measures are within the spirit of this Code.

The Committee may determine that a situation merits a more serious response than a reprimand or apology. For example, the Committee may recommend that the Board of Directors temporarily suspend or permanently revoke an individual’s membership in Lone Star Curling Club (potentially without refund). In these situations, the case and Committee recommendations will be escalated for review and further pursuit by the Board of Directors in accordance with the LSCC bylaws.  These reviews before the Board shall occur during a closed-door session within 10 business days, and an initial response will be given at that time. Possible results from this initial response could include:

  • Final decision on action
  • Request for additional time, with a timeline of events provided to parties involved

The Committee will never publicly discuss issues referred to them; all public statements, if needed, will be made by the LSCC Board of Directors. 

Conflicts of Interest 

In the event of any conflict of interest—i.e., Committee or Board members who are personally connected to a situation—the conflicted member must immediately notify the other Committee members and recuse themselves.


To appeal a decision of the Code of Conduct Committee, contact the LSCC President or any member of the Board of Directors, who will refer the matter to a closed-door session of the Board of Directors at large (excluding any Directors directly involved in the matter under appeal).


This document draws heavily from the Code of Conduct of Ecma International’s TC39 — the borrowed text is used by permission. 

The Spirit of Curling in the introduction is excerpted from the World Curling Federation’s Rules of Curling document.

We are very grateful to our friends at Silicon Valley Curling Club and Windy City Curling Club for providing the framework for this Code of Conduct. This document draws heavily from the hard work they have put in. For more information, see their Diversity and Inclusion page.
