
2025 MoPac 5U Bonspiel - CurlVegas - Winners

Lone Star sent two teams to the MoPac 5&Under Bonspiel hosted at CurlVegas, which consisted of 24 teams representing 16 different clubs.

CCMF finished with a 3-2 record and won the 4th Event, and Tusken Curlers finished with a 2-2 record and were runner-up in the 2nd Event. 

Overall, the club was good, and the ice was in decent shape.  There isn't a lot of room at the club to hang out and broomstack, but the good news is it's in Vegas, so there are a lot of other options of things to do when you aren't curling.  Both teams took advantage of this, including going to the Vegas Golden Knights game on Saturday night.

What really set the bonspiel apart were the organizers and volunteers from MoPac and CurlVegas.  All of them were extremely nice, ran the bonspiel very smoothly, and did a first class job on the live streams (including having one sheet as a featured sheet with commentary for every draw).

We would highly recommend anyone go check out a future bonspiel either organized by MoPac or hosted at CurlVegas.

2025 Big Spiel - Winners

Congratulations to Lone Star Team CCMF, who won the 8th Event at the 2025 Big Spiel!


2025 Frozen 5U - Madison Curling Club

Seven Lone Star Members traveled to Madison, Wisconsin in late January to participate in the 2025 Frozen 5U Bonspiel

2025 Big Spiel - Twin Cities Curling Association

Lone Star Curling Club had 17 curlers travel north to the Twin Cities in January 2025 for the 10th Annual Bigspiel, hosted across 5 different curling clubs in the area.


2024 5U superhero bonspiel - Coyotes Curling Club, tempe, AZ

Two Lone Star Member joined forces with other curlers to compete in the 2024 5U Superhero Bonspiel in October.

Curlers say Phoenix is a very friendly and awesome host club. Any spiel there comes highly recommended.

Submit your own bonspiel adventures to bats@lonestarcurling.com
